Articles for you!
We've put together some interesting and informative reads. Some from external sites, some written through experience, all for your learning pleasure. Come join us on this educational journey with the small critters :)
​​​Ugly Truths you probably didn't know about Rabbits (Scruffiez)
Common External Parasites in Small Animals (Scruffiez)
Rabbit Poop - Gold Standard (Scruffiez)​
Rabbit Care Guide (Oxbow Animal Health)
Guinea Pig Care Guide (Oxbow Animal Health)
The Science of Hay (Oxbow Animal Health)
Why Small Animals Need Hay? (Oxbow Animal Health)
Our articles should not be a replacement for veterinary advice if your pets require professional help. These only serve as guides to widen our knowledge.
Check out this cool care guide from Oxbow Animal Health that tells you everything you need to know to keep your pet rabbit happy and healthy!
Check out this cool care guide from Oxbow Animal Health that tells you everything you need to know to keep your pet guinea pig happy and healthy!
Hay, the most essential part of your small animals' diet, has been harvested for thousands of years. It offers many nutritional and health benefits, including the prevention of obesity and digestive issues and maintaining dental and mental health.
This guide provides a closer look at the science of hay – how and where it’s grown, how it can vary based on factors of nature, the anatomy of a hay plant, and the essential role hay plays in the daily health of small herbivores.
Hay should be the cornerstone of every small herbivore's diet. Oxbow Animal Health's infographic provides a quick look at the most important benefits hay offers to your pet.