Whatsapp 9877 07772/ 9176 3830
Body Check
We'll check your pets' skin and fur for external parasites like ear mites/fur mites/scabies/ticks/fleas and advise on the current health conditions of your pets. Other things we look out for: abnormalities, injuries, ear infection, malocclusion etc.
Nail Clipping
Long nails make it difficult and painful for your pet to walk around. The nails may get caught between things or break when it gets too long. This causes bleeding and lost of nails, which will take a long time to grow. Recommended to trim bi-monthly for normal rabbits
Ear Cleaning
Wax may build up inside your pets' ears, much like humans. Sometimes they would clean them out on their own. Do not try to poke sharp objects deep into their ears while cleaning. Consult a vet if you notice something unusual about their ears. Ear mites do excrete brown crust in pets' ears and yeast infection causes thick yellow wax in ears.
Gland Cleaning
Scent Glands in Rabbits - Located beside anus of your rabbit. They discharge hormones here and it can get clogged up and stink. Rabbits check each other out by their unique smell from their glands.
Grease Glands in Guinea Pigs (cleaning only in water bath) - These glands can get greasy and fur may clump there if not maintained, just above where the invisible tail should be.
Brush Down of Coat (Stripping of Lose Fur when needed)
It is important to brush down your pet's fur coat to prevent ingestion of the hair which may cause hairballs (much like cats) to form in the gut. Inefficient gut movement renders your pet more vulnerable to G.I. stasis (Google this out for more info). Brushing once a week would help remove dead fur and more often for long haired breeds like angoras, lionheads, jerseys etc.
Detangling of Matted Fur (Chargeble for difficult tangles)
Some owners rush to purchase a furry bunny due to its fluffy cuteness, not knowing the high maintenance it requires. Breeds like angoras can get badly matted fur as quickly as a week. Matted fur promotes bacteria growth and parasitic reproduction, especially at the anal region and can cause inflammation. Short haired animals can soil themselves with saliva, poo or pee too. Be sure to brush and check their coat regularly, if not, a groomer will do the job for you (:
Shaping & Trimming of Fur
We'll trim up paw pads and anal area of your pets to keep it neat and clean. Body coat for long hair services can be trimmed to your preference. Let us know what style you prefer (:
Powder Bath & Water Bath + Blow Dry
By default, we do powder bath for all rabbits, unless necessary for health reasons. Rabbits get stressed easily and most fear water. Powder bath service uses only powder, no water involved. The dry bath remove certain debris and not fur stains. Stains can only be trimmed off.
Water bath with shampoo for rabbits. Cleans out the fur coat of pee and derbis (only light new stains ca be lightened, or trimmed off). The coat will feel smoother after a thorough blow-dry! Washing helps soothe an itchy butt and to wash away urine stains that may cause inflammation due to messy pets or irregular cleaning of cages. Common problems with poor husbandry are sore hocks and bald patches on the butt due to uric acid burns.
Whatsapp 9877 07772/ 9176 3830
Please ensure that your pets are in good health & fit for grooming before making an appointment ah!
We reserve the rights to refuse any pets if we deem that grooming is unsuitable for the welfare of the animal
*Some cases may require veterinary attention or medical grooming; We are not medical professionals.
Grooming Photo Gallery
Lionhead Rabbit after GroomingLong Hair Powder Bath | Guinea Pig after GroomingLong Hair Water Bath, full trim down, water bath & blow dry | Angora Rabbit after GroomingMy first tester bunny for fur trimming back in 2010! Super cute angora after some de-tangling and shaping of coat. X-Long Hair Powder Bath |
Holland Lops after GroomingShort Hair Powder Bath and some de-tangling. | Netherland Dwarf RabbitShort Hair Powder Bath + de-tangling | Lionhead Lop Long Hair GroomingLong Hair Powder Bath + Butt wash + de-tangling |
Crazy detangles!Powder Baths with alot of de-tangling going on | Short Hair Powder BathShort Hair Powder bath with slight detangling | Fuzzy Lop GroomingX-Long Powder Bath + Butt Wash + De-tangling + Full trim down of coat |
Lionhead Powder BathLong Hair Powder Bath + fur shaping + Teeth Trimming | Sheba Mini Yak GroomingGuinea Pig Long Hair Water Bath | Lionhead GroomingLong Hair Powder Bath - fur shaping |
Texel Guinea PigGuinea Pig Long Hair Water Bath, full trim down of coat and bath | Long Powder BathFur shaping and powder bath | Sheltie Long Hair Water BathGuinea Pig Long Water Bath + trim down of coat |
Xtra Long Coat rabbitsX Long Powder Bath Grooming, full trimming down of coat | Sheltie Pig groomingGuinea Pig Long Hair Water Bath + full trim down | Sheba Mini Yak GroomingGuinea Pig Long Hair Water Bath |
Angora TrimmingX Long hair powder bath grooming | Holland Lop GroomingShort Hair Powder Bath | Lionhead GroomingSuper stained and randomly tangled rabbit - X Long Hair Powder bath + detangling |